Tuesday, September 26, 2017

40 years of awesome

 love our friends who share peach leather.  we're also enjoying gifted strawberry jam and pickled banana peppers.  homemade are the best gifts!
 Dog days after the pool has closed for the season.  we tried to get our food motivated dog out swimming by dangling treats over the steps.  she was hesitant, but we all had fun.

We celebrated *Happy Birthday to R* with a weekend getaway to Port Townsend Air B&B, a renovated little red barn.  lucked out with great weather for our exploring the beach, and Fort Worden state park.

 E edited this one.

he made this arrangement and then hid it all under a big rock.
 yum. frozen watermelon chunks, frozen banana, and water.  delish.
we had a fun evening out with friends to an escape room.  We had to solve many puzzles in our attempt to "break out".

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