Friday, September 1, 2017

Gparents visit

 Grandpa and Grandma visited us.  They encouraged and supported E with his Twinkle and A Major Scale practicing.  At this same time, we had night visitors - raccoons, alerting us that the figs are ripe and ready to eat!  We climbed the fig tree and ate so many of these amazing fruits. 
 these 3 pics are not our house, but show elements that I like:  the top two have a live perimeter  - trees and shrubs all around the house providing beauty and privacy.  the third picture is a nice black iron fence - which says i'm not a fortress, i'm accessible, but i'm secure and sophisticated.  maybe steel? mix it up with brick or stone columns.  or all brick, partitially hollowed is an option, like we saw in England.

 Neighborhood night out was a fun potluck.  a little overwhelming to meet so many folks.  it's good though, since they all live there and we walk past their houses every day. it's nice to make acquaintances.
 thanks to Aunt A for gifting granola.  We loved it with our yogurt and will make some homemade for ourselves!

what a treat. can't wait for next year.
took dog om walk to schmitz park dragon.

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