Monday, September 4, 2017

2. London on the go

I love how much we walked around London!  we were very conscious about packing lightly and only taking carry on luggage.  Overall, we were properly prepared with good shoes and outfits.  i think we were surprised that, in general, it was cooler than we expected.
I love that we found a Whole Foods market where we bought lots of produce and bread.  We ate grocery store food and only ate at a restaurant once each day.  this was our preference for health and finances.

 Walking to Buckingham Palace was lovely through large parks.

Here, mom liked the impressive iron gates surrounding Buckingham Palace, which is the London home of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.  Walking around London, and visiting all these palaces, our interest in the royal family increased.  We tried to get the names and stories straight of the major royal family members. it's fascinating, really.

 so many points of interest, museums, and interesting sculptures along our walks.

 stopped into a church we passed along the way, where a choir was practicing.
 Royal Albert china for sale like my Grandma bought on her visit many years ago.
 Eros statue at Piccadilly Circus, a busy area.
I appreciated the reminders about which way to watch for oncoming traffic.  one week wasn't enough to stop old habits of looking the wrong way.

 For dinner this night, I had Bubble and Squeak Mash, with a butternut squash and goats cheese pie.
 i always enjoy fun public art.
 tills = checkout/cash registers
 the underground = subway

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