Sunday, September 17, 2017

back to running around

These are sweet neighbor kids who come to church with us.

 E is an active guy.  while walking the dog, he ran, playing with the dog, and slipped, falling and cutting his head on the curb.  hence a visit to the urgent care on a Sunday evening. 
  He lost one front tooth.  stay tuned for the next posting where he has lost the 2nd one. enjoying many watermelons this summer. 

 our summer Saturdays were often busy!  We cheered on friends at their water polo game.
 hiking Cougar Mountain.  This was a fun new trail to me.  we explored starting at the Harvey Manning trail head.

 here's a rare site:  if he's hungry enough, he eats BBQ chicken.  the stake carnival was nice.  lots of friends and food, and games for the kids.

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