Sunday, September 17, 2017

a particularly full Saturday

 we all benefited from a puppy training class every Saturday morning. 
E loves dogs. he asks politely if he can pet pretty much every dog that we pass. 
 After puppy class graduation, E and I headed to summer service project #2.  We picked up garbage at Seahurst Park.  I was honestly surprised about how much we all got.  The team we joined found a heavy discarded grill rack, but counting everything else also, our bag weighed 9 lbs.  the other teams' bags looked a lot smaller, but there were about 15 or 20 teams that had picked up garbage!  The park looked beautiful when we arrived, but we knew that it was fabulous when we left. 

 here is a sculpture with rubbish in it.  kind of interesting way to display and teach a lesson.

Then we drove out to our afternoon hike: Cedar Butte.  I had picked this location and i was so impressed with the kids hiking all the way.  We ate a bag of jelly bellies (discussing each flavor before and after eating) and also dried mangoes, but they hiked the whole trail. 

 The dog had a blast with some off leash time. we all slept well that night.

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