Sunday, January 8, 2017


E went out to help feed the animals and ended up out there for at least an hour (it was probably slightly warmer than the negative 22 of the next morning when school got cancelled and the power went out) playing in the snow.  he loved the snow and these A kids were super fun.
H made us a delicious dinner (Grandma's recipe of chicken and broccoli, tasted just the same!), and we sang Christmas songs around the tree.  how lovely to visit leisurely!  we even talked health food!  the kids are smart and respectful.  A is a good dad and husband, and H the sweetest mom.  so glad we had the opportunity. 

 love the sunday afternoon tradition of playing family games.  we all got into quarters :)

 pretty sunrise out the front window.  H says she can see the Tetons in the distance on a clear day!
 oh boy, they played together well.  we can't wait to go visit again.

 dairy farms are the reason to live in this rural location. but the kids are in touch... they were texting friends all night long. 
 followed A out to the highway.  although a teen, she's much more confident on these roads than I.  she drives all the kids to school every day, 45 min each way.
 H shared some REAL dried fruit with us for the road.  it tasted so good.  i could taste the peach fuzz!  pure awesome.
factory that i remember from my childhood indicating that we've entered the SL valley.

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