Sunday, January 22, 2017

extended family party

still loving the breakfast green smoothy. thank you mom for enabling our habit while we stayed with you.  made every day feel a little healthier.  i realized it's getting quite a line up of ingredients.  this day was:  kale, spinach, cilantro, lime juice, flax meal, frozen bananas, mangoes, and blueberries.  with almond milk.

Aunt L. was awesome to host a big family party in her town.  it was just wonderful.  sorry to say that i didn't help, but just talked and talked.  i did bring some fun white elephants from our house, but maybe not one wanted them...  anyway. lots of food and cousins.  pinata for the kids.  e ran around the whole time.  it was great to catch up with those who could make it.

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