Sunday, January 29, 2017


E collaged a fish and told Nana about it on the phone in detail.  We visited our friend Ms. G. she used to love hot wheels cars, pulling them around the house with yarn.  she is so nice to remember us even though we don't live across the street anymore.
Visited our friends the B family.  they fought the infertility battle and won on their last IVF.

Mission nutrition family night at the Y.  R joining us straight from the airport.
Our first dinner guests prompted us to unpack and clean out more boxes.  so now there are only a few left - in each room.  btw everyone enjoyed black bean brownies!  hoorah for a good keeper recipe.
Love Ms E for many reasons.  she's a favorite work colleague and friend.  here is her gorgeous and yummy kale, riced cauliflower, purple cabbage, balsamic vinegar salad.

R is fantastic to do so much of the electrical work himself.  We didn't have a lot of lights working at this point, so the kids especially enjoyed playing with light sabers and flashlights. 
Below is R working on some of the trickier lighting, crawling on plywood teeter-totter seesaws in the attic.

E looking sharp in a suit coat for church.

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