Sunday, August 26, 2018

August #3 parents visit

We brought our picnic lunch to eat at our friends house in Seward Park. It was one hot day, but super pleasant on their deck under the umbrella.  So exciting watching and hearing the Blue Angels swooping thru the sky overhead for Seafair!
Then Grandma and Grandpa took E for a special treat along with them on their Canada trip.  
G&G showed E a historic castle in Canada

 Butchart Gardens

E enjoyed a petting zoo with peacocks, goats, and llamas

 sushi in the park for dinner after the Royal British Museum and the children's farm.
 In and out of the pool and hot tub.  He decided hotel pools are the most fun.

peach for breakfast by the seashore.
then post breakfast exercise on the balance beam (in flip flops like an island boy).
He made friendship bracelets during the drive, sharing one with Grandpa.

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