this long run was actually during July, during the family visit, but I'm posting those pics together, and other randoms separately.
I was prepping for bed, but got a call from running partner, so we went
out for 6 or 7 miles. our devices disagreed on the distance, but it was
fun! passed by a TV show being filmed.

Some H cousins came to visit. D's sister P's family.
R valiantly woke several times each night to scare off the raccoons so that we would have ripe figs to share when M&D arrived. right on the dot, first of August = ripe figs.
we were blessed that our efforts paid off and we got another chance to expand our family. before you get your hopes up, it didn't last (again). but we tried. and it was a happy summer! maybe i should have not run the 10 days after IUI. but i forgot about that advice.
E had some fun summer camps - theater, bike camp, ballet, soccer.
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