Sunday, August 26, 2018

August #2 Rainier wildflowers

 We drove early to meet M&D at their B&B near the park entrance.  Good timing!  the parking lots and trails filled up more that i ever would have imagined.  R had come down just a few months earlier to hike to Camp Muir and was surprised to see parking lots where snow had been previously.  We hiked to Pinnacle Peak without realizing that it was categorized as a "Strenuous" trail.  gorgeous though!  we all made it to the top for an amazing lookout.  the skies clouded up after our hike, so the views weren't as clear later.  

Family in front of Mt.Railier

Wildflowers in in full bloom. D taught us all about the many flowers

felt like we were on top of the world.

 they loved the figs as part of our picnic lunch.
 After lunch we drove to other sites. didn't leave until 5 or 6.  Grandpa and E drove a bit giving me, R, and M a chance to train on a few trail runs.  so fun!

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