Sunday, July 2, 2017

summer weekend of fun #1 and school's not even out yet

 This youngest sister of mine is so very capable. mothering 4 now, she wanted to come up before her maternity leave ends and she's back to work.  uncle B couldn't make it, unfortunately, but she was such a trooper to come on her own.  we had a laid back relaxing visit.  she had the house to herself the first day while we were at work, which actually was kind of a good way to start our visit. 

after school, we went to e's violin lesson.  the girl's grandma teaches violin, and they'll likely take lessons soon.  (after 1 year of piano)
After baseball practice, (still gleeful that we can walk there in 3 minutes!), we stopped by the school carnival.  it was the perfect activity.  kids ate hot dogs and popsicles.  played games and won some prizes.

 the next day, R's family were lovely to come cheer on e's baseball game.  we love them!  E loves this family time with cousins playing time all the time. 

 2,4,6,8, who do we appreciate?  go Falcons!  coach D was great.

 they liked this spinning thing.  it always makes me dizzy and sick.

 art projects.

 movie night.
 Father's day breakfast.  R made crepes and taught us the delicious way of spreading nutella with fruit. yum.
 We love you R.  pajamas and socks aren't super original gifts, but i think he liked them.

 using the new fire pit once before summer heat kicks in.
 a perfect ferry ride to Vashon to see the Point Robinson lighthouse.

the kids building up e's fairy house in the garden.

 we've been eating a lot of good food.

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