Monday, July 24, 2017

Float dodger 5k

 e ran the kids dash.  then he sprinted around a bit waiting for the 5k to start.  he wanted to do it just until he was tired.  then he did the whole thing!  he, R, and Luna did stop at the bakery for a break.  but he did the whole thing on his own two feet.  yay!  we'll sign him up for the real thing next time.
the inner girl in the above picture was my friend L's daughter.  she won the kid's dash!
 here we are starting.
 L was so excited that we ran/jogged the whole thing.  i paced us slow like a turtle until the last 3 or 4 blocks where she insisted we run our hearts out.  whew.

 R didn't intend to run a 5k, but he did it!
 happy smiles, sweaty bodies. it was fun!
 these 3 B kids are wonderful!  e has so much fun with them. 

 E's first full parade.  we sat by the B's.  in the shade.  learned that you get lots of candy if you sit near the beginning of the route.  we saw marching bands, fire trucks, political candidates, fancy cars, and princesses.
 Mexican dancers
 L did great.  tired out after the run.  she wasn't even too bothered when the pirates sounded the canons.
 Seafair pirates
 so last weekend, we had a BBQ for friends and neighbors.  it was a huge intense thing that we are unlikely to repeat.  our friend M hosted a much more chill BBQ the next weekend, which was pleasant!

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