Tuesday, July 4, 2017

hydrangea bloom colors range

the bamboo invasion continues.  we'll stop it soon with patience and time.  these guys are champion up-rooters.
This sneaky bamboo decided to come up right in the middle of the beautiful hydrangea (our wedding flower).  we didn't spot it until it was peaking over the fence.  R skillfully removed the bamboo roots from the desirable flowers.  then the dog got a bath after playing in the big dirt hole.

 R has resurrected the dry stream bed. it's so pretty, but took a lot of work to clean the rocks and define the lines.
 The B family came by on their return trip.  we enjoyed an evening visit before they left before dawn for the long road trip home.  again, i wasn't a great hostess... Martha (Stewart) would have had a dinner ready for them.  maybe they'll come back again and i can redeem myself.

 C- they are bringing this game back to you.  everyone loved playing with it while it was here.  thank you!

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