Tuesday, July 4, 2017

3rd sister visit

thanks to C family for starting laundry and changing bed sheets, sweeping floors, cleaning stairs, etc.  it was really helpful to prepare for the next visitors.

not top notch photography evident here.  however, including my pics for my memories!
 cleaned out my desk at Oxbow.  now working exclusively from my quiet office at medical center. i'm lucky to have that set up.  visited with a couple of friends.  here is a sweet artist friend L.  i love these pieces of the Duwamish!  of course she would do these.  maybe i'll commission a work for myself.

A B family came by on their way to go camping in Canada.  this visit stoked the fire for my need to get outside NOW.  it's summer folks!  apparently he had ice cream cones both on this 1st stop and the return stop.

I parked my car in the street. R's was at the airport while he was in CA.  so we had the Pella window guy's trailer, plus 4 or 5 friends' vehicles.  We slept 18 plus e and me. wish i had been a better hostess... made them a pancake breakfast or something.  all these nice bikes and folks... their enthusiasm was contagious.
but i left to work instead of camping/riding/climbing/hiking/fun.

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