Tuesday, July 4, 2017

around town with the C family

 C was very organized, which was great to plan out some shared meals.  We started Sat morning with a trip to the grocery store.  Then everyone packed a lunch and came to cheer for E at his last baseball game.  really nice.

Here, E is running towards 2nd base. 
After the baseball game, we went to the Ballard Locks.  it was the perfect afternoon!  we watched the boats leaving Lake Union, including this famous "Sea Venture" from TV's Deadliest Catch.  it was really hot this weekend.  different from R's visit the weekend prior.  hope the C's remember pleasant times besides the heat. 

 even kayakers go through the locks.
 i had forgotten about the beautiful garden at the Locks.

 we sat in the shade for awhile enjoying the jazz band performance.  that was really neat.

 Salmon were swimming upstream in the fish ladder!

 this little J had a fascination with the dog.  telling everyone, and pointing to the "puppy!".  when leaving, it was "bye bye puppy!"

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