Saturday, March 7, 2020


I think Brighton might be my favorite.  It is so pretty with some sweet runs through the trees.  we also got a good deal online one week in advance on the tickets and the kiddos were free.  lines were reasonable and on this our last ski day, we skied our hearts out.  R, E, and Grandpa got on all the lifts, while Grandma and I chilled out with cousin L.  then we got together again and skied more after hot cocoa.
 Thank you to Aunt A

It was a chilly 6 degrees, but we had a sunny and blue sky.

 L was a Rockstar on some solid blues. 

 a good idea to pack some healthy snacks for when you're hungry after a big day. thanks Mom.
 boys vs girls puzzle night.  the boys won, and it might have been because they had a lot more hands on deck.
We love our A family, good runners and all 'round sweethearts.

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