Friday, August 30, 2019

Tuna off Oregon coast

 R went with his buddy on a group fishing trip.  they went out for 2 hours, maybe 50 miles and were very successful helping to reel in fish after fish, no time for lots of photos, then back for 2 hours.  one boat caught 44 tuna and the other 45 tuna.  he had a lot of fun.  came home on Sunday and had to cut it all up into steak size portions.  sealed it up in air tight bags and stocked up the freezer full.
fortunately they paid to have the fishermen staff remove the heads and bones, so he didn't have to.  but he still spent several hours processing the meat.
 L was very interested.

 he made us poke bowls for dinner!  yum. Calrose rice with veggies.  he cooked my tuna, but ate his raw.
 the littlest fish was "this big" or was that the biggest fish?

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