Friday, August 30, 2019

brief post - at home

a lot of our adventures this summer have been away from home.  but here are two nice things at home before the next big weekend.

1. flowers from Ms. C are blooming.  the transplanting was successful and they'll fill in my rockery.
2. FHE with cousins.  good little visit from P and A.  we got ice cream down at the beach. 

2019 summer top highlights in no particular order
  • Ragnar trails
  • half marathon
  • Ragnar road
  • Seafair at Ms. C's
  • figs
  • riding bike to work
  • exercising at gym every morning except when R traveling
  • E rocking Crush summer baseball league, with free ice cream after
  • we did it all with one car, while i worked lots of extra hours to earn money for a new one
  • e enjoyed good summer camps
  • dispersment camping with Ms C and Ms M in north cascades
  • climbing Mailbox
  • camping with J and I's, good hike up Thunder Knob/Creek Trail
  • new walkway in side yard
  • Whistler, biking, hiking, and swimming in lakes, awesome dog parks, paddleboarding, cousins and grandma
    • we lagged behind on violin, and never got to coding.  jobs were less consistent. but we'll get back to routine once school starts.
    • p.s. it's not over yet. summer might be, but not the fun.  we've got 2 more camping trips coming.

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