Sunday, August 11, 2019

Marblemount women's camping

At Marblemount, instead of turning North on 20, stay straight at the L onto Cascade River Road.  take a right on NF-1550.  Proceed along the switchbacks, up the steep single lane potholed road to the top of the mountain, past La Rush lake, where the road continues but is only shown on the detailed topo map sold at the ranger station.
p.s., we explored where the road even continues beyond that!
 stopped in Oso, where there was a deadly landslide a few years ago. :(
 Ms. C was so adventurous and we are grateful to her for being willing to drive up these roads.

 we hiked up a (very overgrown) road that hasn't been used for many years.

 the hill behind our campsite was outfitted with earthquake and volcano monitoring equipment.

 love learning from others.  Ms M used her emergency blanket to keep warm.  brilliant. 

 same spot looking up (snow covered peaks) and down (other side of Ross Dam).

 Ms. C enjoys her life. here reading in the sun.
Diablo Lake

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