Monday, March 4, 2019


 February 2019. started with a little snow. then turned into 11 inches.  that was the first of two back to back storms.  5 days off school.  it was nice and relaxing.
 especially windy and cold at the beach
 projects like making a paper bowl - thank you Grandma!
 office move at the same time. lovely new building overlooks the golf course.
 yum. mom's basil pesto with fresh sourdough bread.
 lots of warning, so we headed to the store with everyone else.  bought one of the last 3 cartons of eggs. among other things.  but overall we were prepared.  for the second storm, we learned what we were missing and stocked up on fresh produce. 

 proof!  racoon tracks in our yard.
 e was a big helper shoveling.  we had days of slush.  was glad that our driveway had been cleared.  and I burned some calories doing it.
It's bring your kid to work day when school is still closed, and i had some trainings to take care of.

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