Monday, March 4, 2019

Rasar cabin camping

Rob rode the Chilly Hilly again!  he's rocking his STP training.

 E submitted an entry for the yearbook cover contest. "the landscape around us".  turned the letters into mountains, water, buildings, and trees. and the pink ones were just normal.  love his creativity.

Months ago, before we ended up having a snowy winter, we booked a cabin at Rasar State Park, thinking we would want a winter weekend away.  turns out we had more than our fill of snow, and fortunately, the cabin weekend was lovely and relaxing and not too snowy.

 this tree has a hole through the roots, if you zoom in you can see E on the other side.

 i found trails for running and R found long roads for riding.
the dog had big snow fields for play.

 E built a little fairy house with soft padding. in appreciation for the beauty and the bird named Fern.
 we drove up to Baker Lake while R was riding.
 here is the dam.
 the white "cloud" rising up behind us is Mt. Baker glacier.
 we leapfrogged R on his final miles back to the cabin. (40 sat and 40 sun.)

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