Monday, February 4, 2019

cool Sundance

  on the back side of gorgeous Mount Timpanogas
 Our first time to Sundance.  What a great resort.  We loved hanging out on the lower mountain while Aunt A and cousins T, E, and A practiced with the ski team on the upper mountain.  cousin M was a great skiing buddy for E.  Thank you to Aunt A for helping us get in!

 A didn't get to eat her burrito until we were on the lift going up for a last few runs.  she's so busy running the ski team show.

 this egg tofu veggie scramble was perfect for lunch.

 silly lunchtime break.  they were playing a game. A, E, and M had lots of fun doing a contest where they could not laugh, but it was really hard for A and E. :)

 hello Timp!  a little more cloudy in the afternoon.
 Aunt A is a helper.  she didn't use poles, but helped push the kids on the flat area.  she burned major calories.
hello Timp!

our big beautiful Salt Lake Valley... with a little inversion.

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