Monday, February 4, 2019

all good things in January

love!!! a new recipe with escarole and beans.
 again, learned from healthy Mom. make a lot of salad base: cabbage, kale, red onion, carrots. have it ready to add whatever you want!

 silly Suzuki group lesson
 happy birthday to Ms. A. wow. she has lost 50+ lbs by removing treats from her diet. She looks amazing!

 play date with D.
 noticed these huge kites out our kitchen window.  they wandered down and watched the surfers for awhile.
 thanks Orangette, another new recipe. yummy spring salad with raddichio, endive, and avocado.
 E's first baking go. Cinnamon crumb cake, a recipe from his new baking book.
 loving online drawing lessons, a Christmas gift from the H family.
 cub scouts, learning to put up a tent.
and i'm learning how to put on the patches.  phew.  I really procrastinated that task, but actually it wasn't too hard.

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