Monday, February 4, 2019

tunnel ride & snow day

R and 12,000 people rode through the tunnel and on the viaduct, in a sold-out event that was the last component of the celebration weekend before the tunnel opened Monday morning.

turns out Monday was a snow day. no school!   pictures coming.

Willy Wonka Jr.

my office is moving to the new research building, so we won't see A every day.
I helped with rehearsal supervision.
the amazing views from our friend's home.

growing fragrant paperwhites and green onions
 I was working from home due to our office move, so i had a little extra time to make some healthy chili and here pictured ratatouille.
During that last "Tech Week" of rehearsals, we skipped basketball and swimming, but fit in checking on our friend's cat.
 we procrastinated E's family heritage project for 6 weeks, but pulled it together on the no school day between semesters.  proud of him for his first big project!  I especially love the family tree that he drew.

 I helped with backstage crew.

 downtime in Act 1

did we survive busy January?
yes! we survived!
E's Willy Wonka Jr. play was a huge success.
we know all those 19 oompa loompas and their songs!  as well as all the other songs :)
See videos on R's youtube page.

from the school's photographer

all good things in January

love!!! a new recipe with escarole and beans.
 again, learned from healthy Mom. make a lot of salad base: cabbage, kale, red onion, carrots. have it ready to add whatever you want!

 silly Suzuki group lesson
 happy birthday to Ms. A. wow. she has lost 50+ lbs by removing treats from her diet. She looks amazing!

 play date with D.
 noticed these huge kites out our kitchen window.  they wandered down and watched the surfers for awhile.
 thanks Orangette, another new recipe. yummy spring salad with raddichio, endive, and avocado.
 E's first baking go. Cinnamon crumb cake, a recipe from his new baking book.
 loving online drawing lessons, a Christmas gift from the H family.
 cub scouts, learning to put up a tent.
and i'm learning how to put on the patches.  phew.  I really procrastinated that task, but actually it wasn't too hard.

cool Sundance

  on the back side of gorgeous Mount Timpanogas
 Our first time to Sundance.  What a great resort.  We loved hanging out on the lower mountain while Aunt A and cousins T, E, and A practiced with the ski team on the upper mountain.  cousin M was a great skiing buddy for E.  Thank you to Aunt A for helping us get in!

 A didn't get to eat her burrito until we were on the lift going up for a last few runs.  she's so busy running the ski team show.

 this egg tofu veggie scramble was perfect for lunch.

 silly lunchtime break.  they were playing a game. A, E, and M had lots of fun doing a contest where they could not laugh, but it was really hard for A and E. :)

 hello Timp!  a little more cloudy in the afternoon.
 Aunt A is a helper.  she didn't use poles, but helped push the kids on the flat area.  she burned major calories.
hello Timp!

our big beautiful Salt Lake Valley... with a little inversion.

apres ski

good for me to be inspired by others who are trying to be healthy.
mom's veggie sandwiches:
these start with a thick layer of classic yellow mustard.  layer on her green spread, red onions, lettuce, tomatoes, and add basil too! 

her green spread is: "high protein & oil-free basil pesto" which is:
1 cup basil leaves
1 garlic close
2 cups white beans
2 TBSP water
2 TBSP nutritional yeast
2.5 TBSP lemon juice
1/2 tsp salt
  we went up for some Alta afternoon skiing.  this was my first time getting up there by my own adult self.

 visiting R friends.

cousin time building forts!  thanks Aunt C.  i'm growing green onions in my windowsill thanks to you :)