Sunday, July 15, 2018

Independence Day 2018

 A and T were game to join the kids dash with a moment's notice. 
many of us ran a 7am 5k.  fun!  my sugar addiction persists, so i ate the donut afterwards.  J&C did not. 

 we got a cheering squad.

B and puppy J
 cute J. we all tried to help with cabin projects.  A is the toughest of us, as she was willing to climb down into the window well to pull out the dead animals.  then she promptly fixed the wood/screen covering to prevent further problems.

 Grandma prepared, directed, and pulled off another fantastic skit.  Nephi and his brothers returning to Jerusalem to get the brass plates.  E was thrilled to play Zoram.

 Uncle E presented the recent Kenya trip.  So cool to see photos, and hear from all those who were there.  thanks for putting it together! and thanks to Aunt C for spearheading the trip.

 Uncle E was also great because he took E with M to shoot BB guns.  E hit the target, making two marks on this soda bottle.  I wouldn't let him bring the bottle back to Seattle, but we took a picture.
 Grandpa's work hangs at the cabin and home. so nice.

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