C blessed her new baby while we were all in town. sweet new baby M.
we had a lovely family lunch afterwards.

Mom's delicious vegan wraps
Basil pesto or hummus or refried beans base layer.
Brown rice cooked
Purple onions
Cooked sweet potato slices
Red pepper and yellow.
Sprouts, broccoli not alfalfa
No liquid tomatoes, make soggy.
Put out salsa for topping.
found boys of all ages in an upstairs room surrounded by legos.the C family is very musical and we even had Uncle J improvise on the clarinet. loved this program.
had a visit with Great Grandmother and Aunt L. both are still charming. they made sure we passed on the msg that they were missing our husband/dad. he is wonderful and they love him and they don't have many years left, so please come visit soon.
here begins my attempts to remember the beautiful mountains that I grew up with.
cousin D left some papers, so we got in a trip to Temple Square to meet her and return her papers.
state capitol building from the conference center rooftop garden.
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