Saturday, October 21, 2017

SAWS and ranch retreat

 E is working hard on two school art competitions, explained further below.  it was a good activity for taking it easy on a friday with no school (teacher in-service) before we headed out for an adventure weekend. 
 Teacher T hosted a studio retreat at the Flying Horseshoe Ranch in Cle Elum.  we were unprepared for the below freezing temperatures on Friday night.  nothing like a little bad weather to help build relationships :)  We had studio mates stay in our cabin with their newly purchased space heater.  with our toe heaters and extra sleeping bag (R and the dog left), we were warm and comfortable!

Our schedule for the Suzuki festival featured 3 workshops, including reading notes (I loved to learn the violin string map above), a master class, parent talk, and 2 concerts. 

 this is the first stage of the FUGA competition.  "Healthy eating, exercise, and more" - a poster illustrating how to be healthy!  we'll finish it up this weekend with collage pictures cut from magazines.
had to pull over when driving in to work to capture this sunrise.
 parking along the park/driving range is lovely this fall.
 we attended a workshop for E to brainstorm ideas for the PTA Reflections contest "Within Reach".  My mom says me and my siblings entered this contest 30 years ago.  wow.  At home, he's been drafting a poem.  At the workshop, he used paint and words.  maybe he'll have two entries.
 fall foliage in the PNW.

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