Saturday, October 28, 2017

getting out

 We hiked Little Si for the first time as a family.  in a lot of rain, such that the trail often resembled a stream. 
 we got some good gear for good prices, (though not close to C's Goodwill finds) at the REI garage sale.  this is normally a super popular hike, but due to the rain and late afternoon hour, we only crossed paths with 4 or 5 other groups.  we didn't look around us much due to the conditions, (spending about 20 seconds at the top) so we'll have to do it again in the sun!
 e was an awesome trooper.  he appreciated this red color on a tree root in our path.
 he created this poster and entered it in the school challenge:  Healthy eating, exercise, and more.  love it. love him.
 Q's 3 yr old bday.
 yum!  fresh salsa from Ms. C.  awesome. and cute little gifty idea for vteaching? in a jar.
 driving over the bridge (new Duwamish waterway sign on the post), clouds and (whats the pc word?) pollution from the factories.

 sunrise over the bridge.  days are getting shorter. 
 yum.  i took spaghetti squash and turkey meatballs to the B's for dinner.  C watches the boys while N and I (and the dog) run.
 trader joes has fantastic dried banana and pineapple too!  (of course apples and mangoes are old favorites)
 the west seattle monster dash.  e and i ran the 5k.  he finished before me. we lucked out with good weather.  and we found old neighbor friends to run it with.

 then, after the 5k, e and r ran the 1/4 mile kids dash. chasing the monster (next pic).

 spent several hours working on paper mache balls for E's reflection entry.  hope they dry quickly so we can paint and finish them before the deadline.
 ward halloween party.  good turnout with lots of great costumes.

 R's chili won 2nd prize. this couple is T and C. they were so nice to sit with us and talk.
trick or treating at the church house for the kids was the first opportunity to wear the costume.

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