Sunday, August 10, 2014

catching up... here we go.

e's project after getting stickers from Nana

family healthy challenge which i reluctantly joined, but ended up being really grateful for.  needed a break from some developing habits.  i think i did really well.  love the simplicity: 3 points possible each day.  1 for 7 fruits and/or veg, 1 for 30 min exercise, and 1 for no treats.

resisted temptations like this - for bike to work month celebration.  actually i even brought one of these dozen on my bike.

some of the bike to work month crew. yay!

  then e and i are off to a Utah vacation!

our one mountain.

successful "work" to pass travel time.

so neat to hear our cousin T rock the piano at his recital!

1 comment:

  1. 29 posts in August! Wow I am backlogged on my blog. Fun to visit.. I was missing out. Hope you are gearing out for another fun visit
