Saturday, April 27, 2019

Day 5 Ensenada, Mexico

 Grandpa was fantastic to find us a van with a lovely driver for the day.  R was fantastic to have a relative living in Ensenada who met us at a nearby beach - Malecon Playa Hermosa.
It was a gorgeous beach, clean sand, shade, shallow water.  I got in with B and some of the boys and swam in the waves. and it was so awesome.  one of the highlights of this trip for me, for sure.

 here is R's relative S.  she had the same attitude as a Utah local about skiing:  sure, she said, we come here on the nice days... but maybe they wouldn't have come on our day because it wasn't perfect... a little cool maybe. whatever. it was perfect for me.
 E and M set up a "store" with found treasures.

 this little A took a nap.

 our driver gave us a tour thru the city and to a hilltop lookout and to the university.
 E had Herman the seagull, one of his 3rd grade class stuffed animals, with us for Spring Break, so we captured a few Disney shots with him.
 E in the kids area.

jazz at Tiana's place.  too bad J was quite sick, so he couldn't fully enjoy the evening.

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