Sunday, April 28, 2019

April & Easter

Spring blooms are wonderful and energizing again this year.  this house already had 3 of these candy tuft and I've planted more.  they are hardy and look this beautiful with zero effort or watering from me.  Also in the photo above you can see the 3 madrone trees that we put in last fall.  two of them are doing well.

the Honda was a good car.  i wish it were still running for another 5 years.
 E's yearbook cover design idea made it into the top 10!
 Underwater Easter egg hunt at the Y. a little chaotic, but the kids had fun.

 E and R really enjoy Easter.  E made us cards with popout features.  super sweet.

 checking in with the CT family while we dye eggs.
 afternoon local "hike" around Phantom Lake in Bellevue. 

 that's L out in the water having a blast.
 plantings from last year are blooming. hoorah. 
for my big 42, R made a breakfast cake and picked up fancy cakes for dessert.

 can you see E waving from the top of the cherry tree? playing with his friends after school for a few minutes.
 i hosted the April babes dinner at my house.  we got tasty Indian take out.  gave me a goal to get the house clean and yard weeded. thanks to R and E for help with that!
the half marathon training program is ramping up.  i've got 6 weeks left.  yesterday ran 9 miles.  my friend was supposed to meet me at 7, so i ran the first half, then she didn't show, so i ran the 2nd half.  first time chaffing as well.  L and I were both tired, but we did it!  obviously we are not fast. but we did it.

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