he lost 2 teeth the first week of school. he wrote a note to the tooth fairy, and guess who wrote back!?

E said he preferred soccer to baseball. so here we go (fall = rainy outdoor soccer). i'm helping with drills during practices and substitutions during the games. go Navy Blue Eels!

49,000 people came to see President Russel M. Nelson. In his talk, he said there were 45,000 present, but after he sat down, someone handed him a paper with the correction. He returned to the podium, stopping the music that had started, saying "I believe in repentance." the cameras quickly zoomed back in on him for the correction.
our stake presidency said that this visit was President's Nelson's idea, that it was an expensive venue, but they wanted to do it. 36 stakes were invited. President Nelson said it was the first time he's spoken in a ball park. I enjoyed hearing Sister Nelson speak as well, sharing lovely experiences.
We took the bus there and back with our new friend M. she's running Fridays 530 am with me & Luna also!
E and I walk the dog while R is getting a feel for UT neighborhoods.
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