Thursday, May 31, 2018


 Art Walk started with the 2nd graders dancing the macarena. E and Ms D, the principal, are friends. He enjoys eating lunch with her sometimes.

 Memorial Day weekend: we faced some holiday freeway traffic.  but it didn't matter if we arrived late because we had a yurt.  The office staff had turned on our porch light and left the key inside for us. 

 we checked out a nature trail, but mostly loved the amazing huge beach.  So few people on the beach that we could let the dog off to run.  We learned that the beautiful perfect sand is placed here when they dredge the river every few years.
 you could hear the low hum of the ship engines and then watch them come by on their way to Portland.
 E didn't exercise much caution sliding down the huge sand pile.

 R always loves a campfire.

 team lunch for work.

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