Sunday, February 18, 2018

e's big adventure

 the elementary school musical was great.  we loved seeing our friends K&C as Luke and Duke.

 e's class had an art project about happiness. they made a list of all the things that made them happy. you were supposed to make 2-4 cards like the one e made. a picture of art - he loves art.  a few days later, he made his mom, tea, and ice cream. he glued them on a yellow paper, wrote his name on it.  that was the project.
 watching friends for an evening while their parents had a date night.
 friday night group class.
 mild weather got us excited for gardening. we planted strawberries and ferns in the rockery.  put down new mulch.  we worked hard as a family yesterday in the front.  will take some pics of our project and post them soon.
 yum. long promised primary ice cream party!

 new recipe vegan malfouf.  good but not a keeper.
 elementary school family fitness night.

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