Thursday, January 25, 2018

3. trip #2, yay!

 this 2nd half of our vacation was lovely and totally chill.  A. was recovering from surgery, and we all appreciated the low key holiday.  We slept in, read books, and relaxed! (and went to the gym and running)

 The boys got along well. seems like both have matured and they enjoyed time together.  A introduced E to Minecraft.
 Nana showed them her box of special treasures. 
N planned a special Christmas Eve feast with a fresh turkey.  We picked it up early on a rainy cold morning.
N enjoys diner breakfasts.
E was in heaven working in N's studio.  They spent lots of time there creating memories and artistic pieces.  E made her a snowflake like he'd learned in school.

 It was a treat to visit a local restaurant where N&P's work was on display.
 E&R missed L, and appreciated having the dog around.
 I borrowed the car on a snowy day and met my friend Ms C. at the mall near her home.  She shared the news that she had gotten married the day prior! 
 early mornings, E climbed into bed with us and read his books.
they had fun watching Muppet Christmas Carol with P.
A's dad, stepmom and baby brother (and A's aunt, and grandparents) all came over to visit before the snow.  the cute toddler was the favorite.

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