Sunday, May 21, 2017

time for outside time

 I certainly got special treatment on my birthday. healthy dinner that i didn't prepare and tres leches cake too!  2 new pines for our garden: e chose Green Prince, and R chose Blue Lou, and a gardening kneeling pad - what did i ever do without one of those.  :) all in all it was perfect, except for the turning 40(!!!) part.

 yes!  love these two for helping out in the yard.  this has been our regular Saturday activity for many a weekend now.  here seen uprooting the invasive bamboo.
we took a few breaks from yardwork to get e ready for bike month.  fortunately, he was ready to roll after practicing without pedals last fall.  had some unsteady wavering, but got in the groove, and has now completed several long rides... and... he loves it.  almost as much as he loves t-ball and violin :)  he's open for all kinds of different adventures.  here we visited with our friend Ms. J who lives near the super smooth Burke-Gilman trail.

a reminder about how to trim back the grapes in the fall.  they are growing quickly now!

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