Sunday, May 21, 2017

blue sky walks

my father in law is a very talented photographer.  he is a real artist with a keen eye for setting up the shots and using his equipment optimally.  he takes classes often to keep improving and learning.  he was so kind to share his photos from the trip with me so that I could use them on this blog.  i'll post a sampling of them, and follow them with a few of mine though not comparable.  thank you B!

  walk on the beach and through the neighborhood.  flowers starting to bloom, though still chilly, means Spring!

Aunt B stays limber and active!  following her example, we all move on the playground.
 e got his first fancy haircut.  totally worth it for the family shot. :)
see how nice?... he could do this professionally for business marketing.

A and E are entertained by the "shop dog" at a nearby furniture store
E still loves his swim lessons

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