Sunday, July 17, 2016

day 6. Happy birthday!

6 of us got haircuts on campus. nice.

so. many. houses.

the US embassy behind those fences
crowded buses with many people standing.

The Museo Soumaya, named after the wife of Mexican magnate (magnate means very rich person) Carlos Slim, has the largest private collection of original Rodin sculptures outside Paris. It also has a large collection of Dalí sculptures, and recently began showing pieces in its masters collection including El Greco, Velázquez, Picasso and Canaletto. The museum inaugurated a new futuristic-design facility in 2011.  

The Gates of Hell

we thought our daddy would like the wrestlers.

lovely family friendly aquarium.

here B called him a little spider.

  :) glad to have gotten to know this great Mexican family.  i hope for the best for them all.

jumping. i was impressed with the "little crickets". not sure i could do it. a says when she tries, she just gets bruised shins.

Happy Birthday Grandpa!  so neat that we could be with you to celebrate you.  We love you.

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