Tuesday, May 10, 2016

pulled pork and house hunting

E's teacher told me that E is a great writer.  she even used his writing as an example for the rest of the class recently.  They read Charlotte's Web, a little every day, and he wrote about it each day.  he really enjoyed it.  here it says:  "I like The CRat.  I like wen they hidid. I like wen the thruc had nowun is sid it and it was rling dawn the hil."  [translation:  I like the crate.  i like when they hided.  i like wen the truck had no one inside it and it was roling down the hill]

Here it says: At the fare thar was a big pig. won was a ryle big pig.

E got promoted up to the next swim class level.  he is now an "eel". :)

pulled pork sandwich fundraiser for the youth at church.  YUM!  also a dessert auction.  see ely excited after choosing the plate of lemon bars.  for me though, was excitement when they auctioned off the leftover pulled pork! 

friends A & C with adorable little O.

my vteaching companion Sister Shawn.

the skilled smokemaster JW. 

e loves the lemon.  we bought a lemon tree to put in a pot in our new house.

youth dance performance.

the state of our life and garage.

let the family outings house hunting begin.  C & N were hilarious to show up at our seward park open houses :)

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