a stop at the market.

R loves a good hot apple cider.
Found this online: According to a 2009 survey by the National Association of Realtors, the
median buyer shopped for 12 weeks and looked at 12 homes.
For us it's more like this: R looked for the past 3 years window shopping, the past 4 months seriously, and then the past 4 weeks in earnest. As a family, we've walked through probably 40 homes, and with the agent or alone, he's probably seen 10-20 more than that.

this was was really cute, but it only had a postage stamp 5 feet of back yard, and that included a small car parking area.

this is your typical West Seattle house.

E is great. but does get bored. we let him take some photos.

we went on a date! walked a mile there and back to get ice cream after dinner.

important to mommy: view from kitchen sink while I'm washing dishes. Bainbridge Island has much bigger and nicer and less expensive houses than the city. there's just that tricky little time sink problem of the ferry commute.

this house was seriously considered.... it was nice! walking distance to the ferry. but... orange peel texture walls. not a perfect layout. i liked the view from kitchen sink: alpaca's!

this is typical of BI - quite remote and quiet. we'll never need to go camping again. instead on weekends, we'll want to head to Vancouver to get our urban fix.

we went back to look it over one more time before getting on the ferry back to mainland.

our friend Mr. E. his mom N has been really supportive of my pursuing pregnancy in my advanced maternal age.