Monday, February 15, 2016


we are starting to pack a few boxes.  we took pictures of e's artwork that we love but can't keep forever.
here are some of our favorites.

did this for me at church while we were singing from the hymnal.

they have colors associated with feelings in school. this was prior to learning how to put in spaces between words with his fingers. this says "I! am! Yelo! because! I! Git! To! Go! To! YoGa! E!"

this was gift wrapping that he made for his Daddy.

he's a loving guy.  lots of hearts: "to mom and dad from e"

this was before he knew how to put any sort of space between words "e make a letter for the missionaries" (he wanted to send it to grandma and grandpa).

this is his "laptop computer" that he drew.

good coloring!

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