Saturday, February 20, 2016

Highland dancing

does anyone think I'm crazy to get my Irish son taking Scottish Highland dancing lessons?  we loved watching this performance.

succulents from Ms. T.

presidents day holiday

 our cousins are so nice to take us to the children's museum and spend several hours visiting with us.  we are so glad to have them in our lives.

good coloring!  he said they read a story about Anonsi (sp?).  a spider with 6 sons who went to the moon?  does anyone know about this?

vday 2016

every interaction can make a difference.  that is what my clinical psychologist supervisor is training me so that i feel comfortable working with my patients.  So.  R & i went to the climbing gym for Vday date.  my idea to burn calories instead of ingest them.  i was worried because previously I've gotten panicked when climbing.  this gym is filled with loads of cool millennials.  early on a girl heard me talking too loud about being a little terrified and she was nice!  she told me she had the same issue.  her advice was to climb the same one 10 times over until i was comfortable.  i didn't have to go to that extreme, but i felt much better and we had a great time. climbed until our fingers hurt.

e was a sweetheart to draw us both artwork for vday gifts.

our gift to Daddy was to stock up his drawer with healthy snacks.

felt good after this dinner.  soup over wild rice.  

felt good about making a new dish - Swedish meatballs.  but body did not feel good after eating this amount of fatty meat.  my friend EL says to try with ground turkey, so i'll try that next time.  we took this to Ms. A with a new red head baby.... so cute.  e helped me in the kitchen for 2 hours to make the meatballs, kale salad, and lemon bars.  he was super.

taco bus

we reconnected with some old friends sharing ice cream sundaes.

our Vday dinner was taco truck adventure!  actually it was a taco bus.

fun activity for the bishop on his birthday.  we "heart attacked" his office door.  the kids enjoyed all the stickers and refreshments.  I made 3 trays of rice krispies treats as well as mini banana muffins.

Monday, February 15, 2016


we are starting to pack a few boxes.  we took pictures of e's artwork that we love but can't keep forever.
here are some of our favorites.

did this for me at church while we were singing from the hymnal.

they have colors associated with feelings in school. this was prior to learning how to put in spaces between words with his fingers. this says "I! am! Yelo! because! I! Git! To! Go! To! YoGa! E!"

this was gift wrapping that he made for his Daddy.

he's a loving guy.  lots of hearts: "to mom and dad from e"

this was before he knew how to put any sort of space between words "e make a letter for the missionaries" (he wanted to send it to grandma and grandpa).

this is his "laptop computer" that he drew.

good coloring!


ely and I started a bunting project.  thanks to friend EL for the idea!  we are excited to decorate for our next bday celebration!

  yummy quinoa salad- thanks to Aunt C for that inspiration!

elementary school multicultural night.  overall, it was fun.  potluck with lots of people contributing.  I also experienced it as a bit of chaos.  hoping that all schools aren't like this, as we are applying again for the alternative school, and hoping to win the lottery this year.  one of the guests was the Duwamish Tribe chair Cecile Hansen.  I was a little surprised by her talk, and conclude we are not soul mates. but I'm glad she is fighting for her beliefs.