Saturday, December 21, 2019

tis the season

 we did pretty well this month keeping the calendar relatively clear of events and instead home with relaxing and catching up. 
we had a load of compost and crushed rock delivered. felt good to not fill the garbage with plastic bags.  the weather was mild and i was excited to weed and spade and then distributing the compost around the yard.  R helped me get the rock into the potholes before the rain came.  he also helped choose plants to fill our new front door bed, which now is complete, and looks great.
i don't regret skimping on yardwork during the summer when instead we camped and hiked.  now is a perfect time of year to garden!
 e and i attended a couple a fun movie nights. Arthur Christmas at the Y.
 pinto gallo from the blue zones. always trying new recipes, especially love the healthy ones.
 mantra for this Christmas season. downtime. enjoy. take care of ourselves.

 we loved these little grasses in the summer, with their red tips.  surprised to see how they change in the winter. still nice. we may still get some.
 E harvested his carrots.  very tasty!

 junction night festival and tree lighting. 

body love Kelly LeVeque. simple shredded brussel sprouts, apple, grapes.  add in kale, nuts, cheese, etc, yum.

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