Saturday, July 20, 2019

new walkway & Mailbox

 these stairs were made of wood that was rotten and crumbling and not safe. but these are the stairs that guests most frequently use.  so we are excited to get them replaced with a good-looking long-lasting concrete walkway.

I was dying to get out in the woods, and fortunately have a friend who is a good match for my skills and bucket list.  We summited Mailbox Peak on the 4th of July.  it was a hard hike and i got some blisters, but we taped them up with medical tape and kept going.
9.4 miles, 4000 ft elevation gain.
  a lot of switchbacks on the first half, and not much sun.
 we spotted an owl watching us from the trees.
Less than 1 mile to go, and the trees break to view a mountainside of rocks.  that girl in the orange was complaining a lot and actually turned back at this point.

 beautiful wildflowers are especially abundant in this meadow near the top.
 Ms M is pointing to the mailbox!

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