Monday, January 21, 2019

Extended family

 We practiced violin nearly every day, taking advantage of new audiences :)  here, E played for Great Grandmother and Aunt L.

 Here, E played for Uncle D and Uncle J.  This was also Grandma's first sit down dinner with guests in her new dining room.  the way it happened was impressive. We had intended to go visit Great Grandmother after just coming home from something, but found out that Uncles were coming to visit.  Mom was in full on H mode.  We visited, showed them around the new condo, and then she was setting the table, and pulled out dinner.  she even found vegan cookies and grandpa's ice cream for dessert.  very much a hostess move her mom pulled regularly.

 Utah snow made me proud this year.  snowing so much when R left, his flight was delayed.  When E and I left a week later, fortunately, we made it out an hour before the UT snow and arrived home hours after the WA wind storm.
 so many relatives that we love.  i didn't do a very good job. didn't get a photo of my two lovely aunts. especially thanks to Aunt R for throwing this BIG and BEAUTIFUL dinner.  💖 lots of snow coming down this night, but folks still drove from far away.

seriously.  every table had a cute centerpiece.

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