Sunday, October 14, 2018

fall is baking, conference, leaves, and soccer

 R took E to find the next size violin.  Teacher T said he needed to try several different instruments, playing Andantino until he found the one that sounded and felt the best to him.

 his proper bow hold
 R's baking glory continues. love baguettes.
 sewing projects during conference.  he made a bag (this is the one he's working on in these pics. i even added handles), a bean bag (he filled it with kidney beans), and a pillow (we stuffed it with stuffing from Rob's old worn out pillow).  his hand stitches are really improving - neater and tighter, and he also helped work the sewing machine.  fortunately we had some fabric in the closet that he chose awhile ago when we were thinking about a quilt for him.
 veggie burgers with picked red onions. and guac.

 lunchtime walks. beautiful trees line Beacon Ave.

 M&M, his cucumber plant, which he cared for all summer, yielded one delicious cuc. he was so kind to share it with us.
 cub scout homework: making recipes, here is gumbo. and r's fresh bread.
 dinner party with work friends.

 el's awesome salad: 1/2 red cabbage, 1/2 green cabbage (shred everything in the food processor). apple, cranberries, carrot, parsley.  Dressing is evoo and lemon juice, salt and pepper. Top with toasted pepitas.

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