Sunday, November 19, 2017

Mount Si

Mt Si is about uphill. switchbacks.  not a lot of passing room.  lots of people coming up and down. so it's not really beautiful or fun, but our hiking companion Ms. K was both! 
we lucked out with sunny weather, so brilliant me.... i left my rain jacket in the car.  turns out that bright sun melts the snow, so we got drenched from all the dripping snow the last quarter of the uphill journey. 

 the last quarter uphill was hard.  for me.  hence my red face.  not so for pretty Ms. K.
 we actually didn't make it to the true summit.  got to save something for next time.
 we made amazing huge sandwiches that tasted so good!  probably should have stopped and eaten them for a bit of a break and energy boost instead of waiting till the top.
 next sewing project: pack cover.  and stuff sack.  thanks Mr C for inspiration!

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