Yes! Ely won the kindergarten place on the Young Author's Day T-Shirt!
I'm not surprised, as soon as I saw his drawing I had a hunch...
The t-shirts will be worn by every staff member and student on Young Authors' Day. Students will be placed in multi-grade groups throughout the school to be able to share a piece of writing that they've written. An all school t-shirt signing happens after that. Classroom celebrations of some sort usually close out the afternoon.
Ely should be very proud of himself, he had a great drawing!
Have a good weekend,
Sarah McAlpin
was a great day of celebrating our hard work as writers. Everyone did
an amazing job of sharing their stories with other students, signing
t-shirts, and being a respectful audience
during a performance this morning.
I hope you enjoy these books, the students worked very hard on them and should be proud of themselves.
Good work, E! I loved Young Author's Day so much!