props to all of you with clean organized garages. ours is not. we had the pump out and E "worked on his bike" for awhile. he "finished the first wheel" and called R over to look at it, who laughed out loud when it was flat as a pancake.

completed a pirate quilt for E! much bigger than i expected. i'm pleased with it, though it is too hot for him to sleep under now, so instead he sleeps on top of it.

my one little detail of island where X marks the spot. hard to see the stitched green palm leaves, but one can appreciate them by touch.

Korean joa chae. yum. so fun to learn new recipes. this one with purple yam noodles.

these are the azuki beans used to make sweet red bean paste that we love in Asian desserts. i made a rice and beans dish that was only ok, but good to try.

he's great to sit through the whole exam and cleaning. :)
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